David Victori’s debut Horror-Thriller ‘El Pacto’ coming on Sony

David Victori’s debut ‘El Pacto’ coming on Sony


David Victori (the man behind Zero that was produced by Ridley Scott & Michael Fassbender) is set to have his debut feature ‘El pacto‘ released with Sony Pictures International The Hollywood Reporter have confirmed.

In 2012, Victori won the freshman ‘YouTube $500,000 Your Festival’ Award with his short film The Guilt 

What we know so far is El Pacto is about a mother who is faced with the imminent sudden death of her daughter, her only daughter. In order to prevent this happening, the mother must sink into hell to try stop it!

“What would you be capable of doing to stop the death of a loved one and what happens to someone who tries to circumvent the natural course of life?” is what Victor has said regarding the film.

El Pacto is being produced by Ikiru Films & 4Cat Pictures with Spanish Actress Belén Rueda (who starred in The Orphanage & Julia’s Eyes) leading the cast.

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belen rueda david victori el pacto michael fassbender ridley scott

About Bill

Founder/Head Writer of The Horrorcist.

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